

Questions Expecting Moms Have About Life Insurance

Questions Expecting Moms Have About Life Insurance

If you are having a baby, life insurance might not be something that is on your mind, but it should be! Soon you will have a beautiful newborn baby relying on you and this can change many different aspects of your life, and looking for new insurance coverage is no...

Denied Life Insurance? Here Are Your Next Steps

Denied Life Insurance? Here Are Your Next Steps

If you have recently been denied coverage from an insurance company that you applied to, it might be because you are considered an “impaired risk”. This means you have something in your background that leaves you predisposed to a higher risk of dying prematurely. This...

Does A Term Life Insurance Premium Increase As You Age?

Does A Term Life Insurance Premium Increase As You Age?

Most people choose term life insurance because it is an affordable option that is very straightforward. The coverage will last for a specific amount of time, and the term length can be 10, 15, 20, or even 30 years, based on your policy. Premiums will have to be paid...

How to Buy Life Insurance on a Budget

How to Buy Life Insurance on a Budget

Shopping for life insurance can be both challenging and stressful, especially if you have a limited budget. When buying life insurance, you need to think about the type of coverage you and your family need and the amount that you can afford. You need to determine your...

Covid-19 and life insurance. What’s the impact?

Covid-19 and life insurance. What’s the impact?

Death is top of mind and mortality is low. What does that mean? It means everyone is thinking about their mortality, but very few people are dying. It’s a wonderful time to be an insurance company. So too, if you are a person looking to buy life insurance.... the...

What Does Converting Term Life Insurance Mean?

What Does Converting Term Life Insurance Mean?

Term insurance policies are valuable but they are temporary in that they are only designed to last a certain length of time. This specified period is called a term, and once that period ends, the coverage will also come to an end, and policyholders can choose to...

What Type of Life Insurance is best for you?

What Type of Life Insurance is best for you?

If you’re interested in life insurance, it is important to understand that there are different types of policies, so you need to think about your needs and your situation carefully so that you make the right choice. The options can be confusing, but having the right...

Why is December the Best Time to Buy Life Insurance?

Why is December the Best Time to Buy Life Insurance?

It’s been an interesting year for our little blue planet. A lot has happened in 2020, and you may have lost sight of the beginning of the year. So full of promise, hope and new beginnings.  Do you remember your 2020 New Years resolutions? Lose 20 pounds, go to the...

Applying for life insurance – 3 things to consider.

Applying for life insurance – 3 things to consider.

The three most important factors to consider when buying life insurance are: 1.) How much coverage do you need? 2.) How long do you want that coverage for? 3.) How much does the coverage cost? Let’s start with figuring out how much coverage you need. Thankfully in...