Has Covid-19 equaled a bit of extra weight for you? That’s ok, we were told to stay inside for months. How could we not help but put on a few pounds! You’re still a beautiful person, inside and out! If you are searching for a term life insurance policy and wondering if your weight will affect your price, you are not alone. We at dropdead get asked about this topic a lot.

Why does weight matter?

When you are completing your policy, you will come across a section that will ask you how much you weigh.  So why does weight matter? Well, your insurance company needs to assess your risk level. Which is why we need to ask about your age, height, weight, health history, smoker status. If you have a higher chance of dying young, that equals a higher chance that your insurance company will have to pay out your death benefit.

Your weight is an important measure of your health. Not only is it better for you if your BMI (body mass index) is within a healthy range, but it can also affect your term life insurance rates as well. The healthier your BMI, the lower your term life insurance rates will be.

I’m overweight, can I still get term life insurance?

Most likely, yes. If you don’t currently have any health problems related to being overweight, you have a good shot at getting term life insurance. Also, if you have gained 20 pounds or less within the past year, that’s not enough to affect your rates. So, go ahead and have that extra scoop of ice cream if it makes you happy after a bad day….just remember moderation is key. Ice cream after dinner 2 days a week, not 7.

Can my life insurance rates be lowered if I lose weight?

Yes! Even if your premiums are high now because of your BMI, they aren’t set in stone for life. If you lose weight, not only is that awesome and will improve your health, but it may also lower your life insurance premiums.

Insurers will want to see that you’ve kept the weight off for 12 months before re-evaluating your case. They’ll probably also ask you to take a medical exam to verify that you don’t have any other health issues.

The underwriting process for people who are overweight

When it comes to clients who are overweight, we find that it usually takes a bit longer to get approved for term life insurance. (Expect it to take 4–6 weeks.)

Your insurer will likely order a blood and urine test to better understand your current health status. And your insurance company may ask for a report from your doctor.

Don’t put off getting a term life insurance plan if you are overweight! Applying for term life insurance costs you nothing and is a no-commitment process. You also don’t have to make a final decision until you get your final price from your term life insurance company. You have nothing to lose by trying! Now put down the phone, drop, and give me 20 pushups!

Don’t wait till it’s too late. dropdead term life insurance is the best and cheapest online life insurance solution you could wish for.