Life Insurance
for when Dead
Giddy up BC
It’s as simple as…
- Figure out how much you need.
- Enter your age, gender and if you smoke tobacco.
- Get covered and save big!!!
Take Advantage of
The Cheapest Life Insurance Rates
Available in British Columbia
At dropdead life insurance, we pride ourselves at being the cheapest life insurance option in BC. If that’s not enough, it’s also the simplest and fastest application process. Last, but by no means the least, you get a FREE Will. You can kill two birds with one stone!!! That’s a triple win for you!!

Get a quote in 15 seconds, apply for coverage in 15 minutes.
1. Gender
2. Enter your date of birth
3. Are you a tobacco smoker?
In the past twelve (12) months, have you used any substance or product containing tobacco, nicotine, or marijuana mixed with nicotine, or used e-cigarettes?
4. Choose amount of coverage for 20 years
The basic rule of thumb is 7-10 times salary. If you need help calculating your coverage, click here for our free life insurance calculator.
Note: If you are over 50 years old, or require $1,000,000 in coverage or more, please contact us.
Anything can happen BC
We are all immortal until we are not. Bad things happen to good people all the time. There isn’t anyone on this rock that does not need life insurance. So, put all your excuses aside and become a living legend. Buy term life insurance from dropdead. Don’t wait until it’s too late, because that’s for losers and you’re certainly not one of those. Buy now, it’s cheap!!