I think we all know that with COVID came difficult times for most. Now we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, coinciding with the arrival of Summer and days outside in the fresh air and sunshine, which we all desperately need. We’re slowly emerging from our safe home bases. Shaggy haired, unshaven, bra-less, and weary, still a little uncertain of what exactly the rules are in this post virus life.

But along with this unexpected world crisis also came some positives. Many people got to spend more time at home with their children. Parents that were usually gone from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm all of a sudden had this unexpected gift of time with their children if they got to work from home. Lots of kids 20 years from now will probably remember this as one of the best times of their life. Mum and Dad were home all the time, we played together as a family, had three meals a day together, got to stay up late, and sleep in. From a kid’s point of view, COVID kind of rocked.

Another positive spin that came about was that it really got us all thinking about our own mortality, which is something most people actively try to avoid because it makes us uncomfortable. Why would we think about death and life insurance when we are young and healthy and feeling good, in our prime, and presumably decades away from our ultimate demise?

But from COVID rose an increase in life insurance applications because all of a sudden there was something to worry about. This strange new illness that didn’t care how old you were and how fit you were. And that got people thinking “what if…” And with the “what ” late-night ponderings came the research into term life insurance, and why it is a good idea for everybody, at any age. It gave many the kick in the a$$ they needed to get going on buying a policy.

People discovered that with one trip to the dropdead website (www.dropdeadlifeinsurance.ca), they could get an instant quote. After realizing how affordable our rates are, the application process is next. It’s a quick, easy to use process that will take under 15 minutes start to finish. You do not have to speak to a human at all (unless you want to or have questions). You do not have to go into an office and meet with an agent, no one is going to stick you with a needle to take your blood. It’s all online. dropdead is the best and we are the cheapest. Just get it done…..because there are still lots of things you can die from. Don’t wait until it’s too late.